The 15 Rare And Most Valuable Roman Coins Ever Sold

15. AD 244—249 Phoenicia Tyre Philip I Choice Fine 4-5 $5,400

14. AD 235—238 Cilicia Tarsus Maximinus Choice Fine 5-5 $4,320

13. AD 198—217 Cilicia Isaura Caracalla Bronze MS 5-5 $1,800

12. 120—63 BCE Pontic Kingdom Tetradrachm AU 4 $7,200

11. 550—450 BCE Mysia Cyzicus Stater XF 5 $3,840

10. CA. 225—150 BCE Troan Islands Tenedos Tetradrachm XF 5 $3,360

9. Mid Second Century BCE Aeolis Myrina Tetradrachm AU 4-5 $4,320

8. 475—465 Attica Athens Tetradrachm AU 5-5 $7,800

7. After 54 BC Scythia Geto-Dacians Coson MS 5-5 $3,600

6. 179—168 BC Macedonian Kingdom. Perseus Tetradrachm AU 5-5 $4,080

5. 336—332 BC Star Amphipolis Alexander the Great Tetradrachm AU 5-5 $4,320

4. 277—239 BC Antigonus II Gonatas Tetradrachm AU 5-5 $5,520

3. 336—323 BC Alexander III the Great Stater AU 45 $6,000

2. 320—300 BC Siculo-Punic tetradrachm XF 5-5 $3,360

1. 450—420 BC AR Tetradrachm MS 5-5 $5,760

15 of the Most Valuable Buffalo Nickels