
James A. Garfield Presidential Silver Medal


President James Garfield exemplified the American dream, demonstrating how hard work, intellect, and commitment to public service could elevate a boy born in a frontier cabin to the highest office in the land. Before becoming the 20th President of the United States, he made history as the youngest individual elected to the Ohio State Legislature and the youngest Major General in the Union Army during the Civil War. His remarkable achievements garnered admiration from many, including his predecessor, President Rutherford B. Hayes, who famously remarked, “No man ever started so low and accomplished so much in all our history.”

Garfield was a staunch advocate for ending the spoils system that awarded government positions based on political favors. He believed in making appointments based on merit and skill, eager to protect the rights of disenfranchised Americans—many of whom had survived slavery. In his inaugural address, he asserted, “There can be no permanent disfranchised peasantry in the United States.”

Tragically, only four months after his inauguration, Garfield’s vision for reform was cut short by an assassin’s bullet, and he succumbed to his wounds just 199 days into his presidency. His Vice President, Chester A. Arthur, assumed the presidency and worked to enact Garfield’s proposed reforms into law.

This stunning Presidential Silver Medal commemorates James Garfield’s Presidency, crafted from 99.9% fine silver by the United States Mint.

Item Number: S820
Mintage Limit: None
Product Limit: None
Household Order Limit: None

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James A. Garfield served as the 20th President of the United States from March 1881 until his tragic death in September of the same year, following an assassination attempt in July. A lawyer and Civil War general, Garfield distinguished himself by serving nine terms in the United States House of Representatives, making him the only sitting member of the House ever elected to the presidency. Prior to his presidential candidacy, he was elected to the U.S. Senate by the Ohio General Assembly but declined the position upon being elected president.

The obverse (heads side) of the medal features a bust of James A. Garfield, accompanied by the inscription “JAMES A. GARFIELD.”

On the reverse (tails side), a wreath of laurel and oak leaves is elegantly wrapped in crossed ribbons. Within the wreath, the inscriptions read: “INAUGURATED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 4, 1881,” “ASSASSINATED JULY 2, 1881,” and “DIED SEPT 19, 1881.”

Medal Specifications
Denomination: N/A
Finish: Matte
Composition: 99.9% Silver
Weight: 1.000 troy oz.
Diameter: 1.598 in.
Edge: Plain
Mint and Mint Mark: N/A
Privy Mark: None


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